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Watch Jesus Disciple! (Part V)

Posted by James Hall on

We are continuing to follow Jesus around with our imaginary video camera, watching and pondering as we watch Jesus recruit, coach, and commission His disciples. Most of the scenes are scripted by the Gospel writer Mark, who learned the stories later while traveling with and assisting the apostle Peter. Be asking how Jesus’ example applies to us today! Following is the fifth phase of our journey.   PART V. JESUS BEGINS INTERACTIVE INSTRUCTION WITH HIS MINISTRY TEAM Jesus fame has spread to the point of drawing people to walk north 90 miles from Judea, and south 50 miles from Sidon to hear Him...

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Watch Jesus Disciple! (Part IV)

Posted by James Hall on

PART IV. JESUS’ SURPRISE RECRUIT “Jesus-sightings” were now the main topic of “breaking news” reports. He continues to bless the afflicted and amaze the crowds with healings, but begins to give more time to teaching. He certainly has the attention of the onlookers. (2:1) “And when He had come back to Capernaum several days afterward, it was heard that He was at home. And many were gathered together, so that there was no longer room, even near the door; and He was speaking the word to them.”  In this setting, He is interrupted by the paralytic’s friends bringing him to...

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Watch Jesus Disciple! (Part III)

Posted by James Hall on

Part III: JESUS CONTINUES TO TEACH BY EXAMPLE (i.e. FIRST PHASE OF DISCIPLING) Note: References from the Gospel of Mark, unless otherwise indicated. Three out of the first four “disciples” summoned by Jesus would end up being His inner circle among the eventual twelve that composed His apostolic team. This first group had the longest time with Jesus for their training as a mobile learning community. Groups like this were often seen accompanying rabbis – although they may have generally been younger interns fresh out of synagogue school, instead of manual laborers making a mid-life career change.. It could have...

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Watch Jesus Disciple! (Part II)

Posted by James Hall on

Part II:  DISCIPLES BEGIN LEARNING BY OBSERVING Immediately after the get-acquainted encounter recorded in John 1, “There was a wedding in Cana of Galilee… Jesus…was invited, and His disciples.”(John 2:1-2) It appears that His presence “with His disciples” at the wedding was prior to the famous seashore summons. The “disciples” referred to here were still considering permanent association with Jesus. This group probably did not include James and John. Nathaniel was part of the “come and see” group that visited with Jesus where John the Baptist was baptizing – but Nathaniel did not end up as one of the twelve....

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Watch Jesus Disciple! (Part I)

Posted by James Hall on

In the next few months, we will follow Jesus around with an imaginary video camera, watching and pondering as we watch Jesus recruit, coach, and commission His disciples. Most of the scenes are scripted by the Gospel writer Mark, who learned the stories later while traveling with and assisting the apostle Peter. Be asking how Jesus’ example applies to us today! Part I: JESUS TEAM-BUILDS AS HE BEGINS HIS MINISTRY  The first things described in the beginning of Jesus’ public ministry are preaching and recruiting disciples. 1:14f “Jesus came into Galilee, preaching the Gospel of God… And as He was...

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