About New Christian Life Ministries
MISSION STATEMENT: Our passion is to see many unbelievers come to faith in Christ through relational witness (pre-conversion discipling) - and then be discipled one-to-one to become followers of Christ who win and disciple others. In pursuit of this mission, we self-publish THRIVE – a Handbook for New Christians as the primary resource within our ministry. In use for over 27 years (formerly titled Harvester's Handbook), we have received many testimonies of fruitful results – often with multiple "generations" resulting from those who are discipled becoming disciplers. Our prayer is that through this ministry, many will come to Christ and then continue to win and disciple others for as long as they are residents of this lost and dying world.
BACKGROUND of THRIVE: After many years of careful study of the Scriptures, much thought, and countless personal witnessing and discipling exchanges, God birthed in Jim’s spirit the calling to write guidelines and lessons for one-to-one witness and discipling – and then make them available to others through printed and electronic media. God also called Jim to begin in 1989 to travel to churches to personally introduce to church members these resources and how to use them - with the help of the Holy Spirit – for simple and fruitful personal evangelism and discipling of new believers. This resource is titled THRIVE – A Handbook for New Christians (formerly Harvester’s Handbook). Many new believers who have been discipled with THRIVE have become successful witnesses and disciplers of others. Thousands of manuals have been placed in the hands of harvest laborers across the United States and in other countries through print and electronic media. Only in heaven will we know how many new believers have been helped to know God with these lessons. The many testimonies received have confirmed to the Halls that God is in the project.
These lessons for new Christians have also been translated and distributed in Spanish, Russian, Portuguese, Bulgarian, German, Chinese, Macedonian, and two East African dialects. Most of these translations are available as free or moderately priced downloads from our Web site: www.newchristian.com.
GRATITUDE for faithful and skilled assistance in the current phase of our journey is felt for Japheth Campbell. For over a decade, he has provided behind-the-scenes expertise in setting up the design and content of the NCLM website – including the challenging technical systems of the eWorkbook and shopping cart. Most of his work has been without financial remuneration, and when charged has always been well below industry payment standards. Japheth has also provided cover design and internal setups for smaller scale publications through the years.
To schedule ministry or order materials, contact:
Reverend James H. Hall
New Christian Life Ministries
16303 Audubon Village Dr.
Wildwood MO 63040
E-mail: [email protected]
Web site: www.newchristian.com (credit card orders)
BACKGROUND of THRIVE: After many years of careful study of the Scriptures, much thought, and countless personal witnessing and discipling exchanges, God birthed in Jim’s spirit the calling to write guidelines and lessons for one-to-one witness and discipling – and then make them available to others through printed and electronic media. God also called Jim to begin in 1989 to travel to churches to personally introduce to church members these resources and how to use them - with the help of the Holy Spirit – for simple and fruitful personal evangelism and discipling of new believers. This resource is titled THRIVE – A Handbook for New Christians (formerly Harvester’s Handbook). Many new believers who have been discipled with THRIVE have become successful witnesses and disciplers of others. Thousands of manuals have been placed in the hands of harvest laborers across the United States and in other countries through print and electronic media. Only in heaven will we know how many new believers have been helped to know God with these lessons. The many testimonies received have confirmed to the Halls that God is in the project.
These lessons for new Christians have also been translated and distributed in Spanish, Russian, Portuguese, Bulgarian, German, Chinese, Macedonian, and two East African dialects. Most of these translations are available as free or moderately priced downloads from our Web site: www.newchristian.com.
GRATITUDE for faithful and skilled assistance in the current phase of our journey is felt for Japheth Campbell. For over a decade, he has provided behind-the-scenes expertise in setting up the design and content of the NCLM website – including the challenging technical systems of the eWorkbook and shopping cart. Most of his work has been without financial remuneration, and when charged has always been well below industry payment standards. Japheth has also provided cover design and internal setups for smaller scale publications through the years.
To schedule ministry or order materials, contact:
Reverend James H. Hall
New Christian Life Ministries
16303 Audubon Village Dr.
Wildwood MO 63040
E-mail: [email protected]
Web site: www.newchristian.com (credit card orders)