THRIVE - Handbook for Christian Growth
Handbook for Christian Growth provides the same content as Handbook for New Christians, but with added features that adapt it to serve as a "basic training" resource for believers who were never systematically discipled. HCG includes a guide that associates each lesson with a specific basic biblical function. A "Spiritual Health Assessment" is provided to identify a believer's strengths and weaknesses in each of five basic biblical functions. Each lesson serves as a resource to help strengthen one of these functions in the life of the believer. It is recommended that two or three Christian friends who want to be stronger in the same biblical function study the relevant lessons together. Peer discipleship provides greater clarity through discussion, accountability to enhance application, and shared celebration of measurable growth. HCG also includes a "Spiritual Gifts Survey" to assist each believer in identifying their individual spiritual gift(s).
Click here for a sample lesson.
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