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Our gift to you this Christmas

As a past customer or present visitor to our website, we would like to provide a gift of our newest resource that can bring Christ more deeply into your Christmas and your life – and into the lives of others you know. We are also providing a "special" price on our other three main items.            

1) TO STRENGTHEN the relationship you already have with Jesus – please accept a free download of the ebook version ($10 ebook, $15 hard copy – 134 pp) of our newest resource:

THRIVE Handbook for Christian Growth

Handbook for Christian Growth provides the same content as Handbook for New Christians, but with added features that adapt it to serve as "basic training" for longer term believers who were never systematically discipled.  A "Spiritual Health Assessment" is provided to identify personal strengths and weaknesses. Each lesson serves as a resource to help strengthen a specific biblical function in the life of the believer. It is recommended that 2 or 3 friends study together to provide discussion, accountability, and celebration of measurable growth.  HCG also includes a "Spiritual Gifts Survey" to assist participants in determining where to serve in ministry. 

We also are offering a discount on other core resources (THRIVE Combo Pack) IF ORDERED BEFORE JANUARY 1, 2017. The discounted items are as follows:

2) THRIVE Discipler's Guide (8.5"X 11", 175 pp) (retail $20) – a leader guide to help you disciple,

3) THRIVE Handbook for New Christians (8.5"X 11", 120 pp) (retail $14) for a new believer or seeker

4) SENT! to your neighbors (5.5"X 8.5", 80 pp) (retail $5) – how to cultivate friendships that lead to a harvest ($5)

You can buy all three hard copy books listed for a total of $25. (Adding the $10 value of the free ebook, you are saving $24 by spending $25 plus s/h)